Thread: Beelzebub
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Old 2009-08-02, 08:26   Link #447
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Oga didnt lost his tatoo.. maybe it become only a mark without more complex building (the strings that climb up onto his arms like he had back to the Aoi park meeting chapter)...

Well Oga showed that he can drain the demon power even without touching baby bl.. like in the chapter where he and hilda got trapped in that barrier.... Oga drained the demon power without touching the baby even Hilda was supprised back then...

Anwyay I guess Oga would be happy to lose to Toujo and so he would give him the baby and the problem is solved ^^

by thinking is that the "black cat" is a demon which made a contract with Toujo so he can drain some demon powers too.... but I doubt that it will be on par with demon's kings child... (but well he is more muscle beast than oga... so here is the power balance..... Oga is not so much builded up physicaly so baby bls power is needed stronger.... Toujo is strong psyhicaly so his demon power could be weaker... in order to keep the ballance)

but it would be funny if at the end of the fight Oga and Toujo becomed budies XD
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