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Old 2013-02-03, 12:33   Link #57
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by kuromitsu View Post
This has come up before ("why do they need bakenezumi if they have power" "they could control the weather and everything") and the thing is, they don't have that kind of power. Or rather, they have the power but only a very select few are able to use it on this level. In school Saki was struggling with repairing a broken bottle while Satoru got congratulated on his mirror and Shun was given that egg (they didn't mention it but only the most promising students are allowed to handle living beings). What Shisei and Koufuu do in this episode is something ordinary people can only dream of doing (and that includes things as seemingly simple as changing the wind's direction), and Tomiko even said that repairing her telomeres was something only she could do.

So in theory it's possible but in practice not really.
Right, then isn't (wasn't...) that something to aspire to, since you know, Maria loooooooves Saki so much? But the revelation that only the most promising students could handle living beings changes things. Plus, the audience knows about Tomiko, but who knows how many in the village even know about her abilities because they could have a normal lifespan as far as we know. Meaning, once again information is kept secret from the masses and Maria is likely more on the average scale of power level.

I love how this show is capable of generating such a wide array of discussion. I'm honestly fascinated with everyone talking about humanity and how perspectives change depending on what side you're on. Thus far there haven't been too many anime shows capable of intellectual exchanges off the bat, so I'm glad this is on my weekly watch list.

That being said, I genuinely don't see either camps being completely innocent, but there are probably some who are ignorant to outside life. I don't want either side completely wiped out, as it's only the major players who are at fault here. The bakenezumi wouldn't have been such a threat if it weren't for Squealer, so I do want to see him go out like Tomiko said. As far as the humans go, the school system clearly needs to be dealt with... So much blood on both sides' hands, really. Makes it more difficult for me to personally judge whether one is more 'right'.

I forgot to add that if ED1 was inspired by the events of this episode (namely the festival), that makes it way more heart-wrenching as the figures in the ED were basically ghosts of people Saki wanted to see. Shun... :< ED1 would've been great here, but I do think Maria's song immediately after the weird Maria scene was oddly effective.

On another note, is Saki officially suspicious of Squealer regarding the whole bones thing? As in, does she think he killed them himself after he was done with them?
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