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Old 2013-01-18, 03:09   Link #51
Keep on keeping on
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: The pale blue dot...
I wasn't surprised at all when Masaoka and Ginoza were revealed to be father and son, as there had been many clues throughout the series up till now. However, at the end of their exchange, I got the implication that something bad will happen to either of them, or even both. They had already set up a lot of 'flags' anyway...

Akane does have guts; she was brave enough to volunteer to have her memories extracted. And I think Masaoka is precisely correct about Akane and her ability to stabilize her hue. She accepts society for what it is, but still sticks to what she believes in. Perhaps Akane will catch Makishima's eye sooner or later.

The scene with the director at the end was creepy. She did come off as cyborg-like to me. The way she addressed Makishima makes me think they're somehow related, or were/are involved in working together. Either way, it's an eerie foreboding, and with the director involved, it's as if there's some big conspiracy behind all the incidents...
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