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Old 2007-08-06, 22:13   Link #159
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Join Date: May 2007
finished watching the series a few weeks ago and then a friend just finished watching it recently and we started talking and came up with a few questions. I actually had quite a few questions but didn't realize this was here at the time ><.

Think i have most of the ones i came up with answered but i have a few old was rosette when she died? I think it says on her grave 1912-1928 which would mean 16 years but wasn't she around 14 when she met chrono(there was some talk about her and her brother having to leave the orphanage next year when they turned 15 around or in ep 9 i believe it was). The person running the orphanage also stated that they were frozen for 4 years in the last ep, so wouldn't that make her 18-19, not 16?

Next question is about the fatimah prophecy, i tried looking it up but never found anything saying
"...We can do nothing
but to see the times go by in the path
which God has chosen..."

Did i miss something or what was that about? Was that actually part of the prophecy and if not where did they get that from/who is saying it? Also, i saw a few people saying that they jumped 53 years ahead at some point, where does it say they did that in the anime?

I also saw someone asking what sins remington had commited, he states in the last episode that Joshua is proof of his sin. Perhaps meaning that he feels that everything that occurred with aion and the apostles was his fault and that he was supposed to prevent it? Or perhaps that he came to earth at that time to prevent it or "sway the era away from chaos"? I'm using that term since i feel like the way remington describes things, "this era is clearly about to choose chaos", is that things are scene in era's in the anime and each era chooses either chaos or peace(or something similar to that). If thats the case then perhaps there is a set of apostles and Mary of Magdalene's for each era as well and that the coming of them marks it as a new era, as stipulated by sister kate? In which case what we saw was just one fight for a "era" and that what aion was trying to do was bring enough "era's" to chaos to the point where heaven and hell get blured, thus merging the 2(there was talk in the end about heaven having darkness and pandemonium having light). There was also a lot of talk about god doing nothing to intervene with people's suffering etc throughout the anime, perhaps another sin of remington's was stepping in to help them when he wasn't supposed to?

This may have been answered as well (8 pages takes a dam long time to read @_@), but as far as aion being alive because there must be evil if there is to be good, i believe they said that the reason DEVILS exist is to show the difference between heaven and hell, god and devil, etc. Thus, so long as aion isn't the only devil i wouldn't think that he would need to stay alive for that purpose. Also, i got the impression that chrono was a "special" devil in that he tended to have a good nature as opposed to other demons who didn't(otherwise the whole demons bad heaven good thing wouldn't really work) and that this was the reason why he had so much of a key role in the way things would turn out(original marry of magdaline said something along the lines of "the one to fight with destiny is you, chrono" in ep 21). Personally, I'm for the idea that chrono just didn't kill him and only seriously wounded him and aion somehow managed to get out of there without chrono noticing and healed himself. Though theres another question with that as well, is there ever an explanation for how/why aion still has so much power? The reason chrono needed a contractor was to use his power since his horns got taken away, aion seems to be able to use his freely though without fear of death. Is there any explanation given or do we have to extrapolate and leave it at "he somehow found a way to do it"?

And finally, last question, why did chrono freezing aion snap rossette out of her trance or whatever it is she was in? I feel like it was more that aion persuaded her to his way of thinking then really doing anything to her and that there were a lot of scenes in the anime with him trying to "convince" rosette, also, dufo said in ep 20 that the ritual of penance is "the moment that enables a demon to soak ones heart into deeper darkness". So, if it was more that he persuaded her then why would chrono killing or freezing aion have anything to do with bringing rosette back to herself?
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