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Old 2004-05-12, 20:34   Link #57
model bliss
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Dallas, Texas
Age: 41
(Bear with me, I'm pretentious, long winded and there's way too much presented to go responding to every post I like or dislike.)

Although women's equality had vastly progressed from the demand of the vote, we are still, largely, oppressed. Women are not welcomed in certain areas of the workforce (brokerage, accounting, CEO and other corporate positions, etc), and are outright demanded admittance into others. However, this is oftentimes dependent on the company. The mysongyistic beliefs held by the earlier generations still exist, because they're still around educating their children, setting us up for disaster. I think the pay inequality is somewhere around $.80/$1.00.

Women are often socialized to accept men's mysogynistic behavior, or, if not, at least not to challenge it. "Don't rock the boat" has always been the popular phrase when schooling girl-children. Likewise, boys are also socialized to avoid the "feminine" aspects of life. Most men don't actively participate in their childrens' lives because their fathers didn't. And lost of men don't cook and clean because it's still thought of as "womens' work".

Dressing sexy is physically objectifying to women, but, I'm sad to say, this is largely the fault of women. Those who know better set a bad example for those who don't.

And, personally, I think women should have to praticipate in the draft. I sure as hell dont want to go to war, but neither to the majority of men. If we want equal rights, we should be prepared to make some sacrifices (I think dragonz20 brought this up). And, in the dating scene, whomever does the asking should be prepared to pay. And free beer and tacos for all!

And to whomever stated that men focus better than women, that's just BS. Focus and natural skill are not based on sex, although interest and dominance (in certain areas) seem to be.

That's all I have to say.
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