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Old 2009-02-24, 08:39   Link #993
On a sabbatical
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wellington, NZ
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Tri-ring View Post
I wonder what you have been smoking?
Try hyping down the whole independence movement thing since there has been none for the last 100 years.
Whoa, you're not attentive enough to these issues, no?
Kariyushi Club
Although this is for Ryukyu, what's stopping Ainu from doing the same??

I also wonder why the culture of zanichi Koreans/Chinese/Taiwanese needs to be protected?
First of all, most of them are immigrants of their own wishes, the minor Koreans(alot of them came to Japan on their own which is documented) that were forced were able to leave after the war but decided to stay.
The Taiwaniese and mainland Chinese were not forced in anyways.
They can protect their own culture by themselves and I see no reason why public aid is needed in anyways. China town in Yokohama, Kobe and/or Nagasaki is thriving and Kanteibyo in Yokohama was errected through private donations.
What goes into your texts these days?? Seriously, the zainichi are descendants of the POWs during Japan's militaristic period. And they are usually too poor to return to their homelands, or it's not even there anymore. So they're stuck, really.

True, there are man Chinatowns/Koreantowns, but still, this is all private efforts. Tokyo should first understand these people are victims of their circumstances.

Neither the Ainu nor the Ryukuans were hurdled into reservation camps to rot unlike Canadians or Australian aboriginies.
Right, that's new. I'll look on that.

And please be more specific to who's tradition you talking about.
Japanese. Specifically, YAMATO.
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