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Old 2012-10-31, 12:37   Link #414
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by SoldierOfDarkness View Post
So what do you do with your assault gets close and he's now close to 6-7 aliens?

I tried that and it spawned more enemies.

Even when I tried baiting them by the time the aliens got to me none of my guys could even score a hit.

I mean seriously. I felt so handicapped by the armour.

What's even annoying is that even with a 99% hit and my guy is next to them the Elite Muton/Heavy floater STILL dodges the shot.
You NEVER charge your Assault in when there are still multiple aliens.

You send in the shotgun when you still have enemies left alive that you need to kill immediately.

Here is my firing order: Heavies with their rocket or metal storm, Sniper on who ever is most threatening, Support with their rifles after getting as close as they can for a good hit chance, THEN send in the shotguns to kill whatever is left.

And I recommend scopes for EVERYONE. At higher difficulties and with the late game enemies, the extra health from bonus HP made no difference. You are better off trying to kill them off first.

As for baiting?

There are two key elements;
1. Try to get on slightly higher ground whenever possible. Very hard early on and can't be done on most maps, but it makes a difference.
2. Position your soldiers so that by the time the alien saw you, you are already so close that even heavies can have 70% chance to hit or higher. This means never camp AT doorways, but instead angle yourself to the side and a few squares away. The idea is that the alien will only see you once he walk a few steps past the doorway. Camping AT doorways is risky because you would get shot at, which is dangerous when you are playing Classic or harder.
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