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Old 2012-07-29, 07:15   Link #609
Join Date: Aug 2004
Age: 37
Originally Posted by novalysis View Post
Could it be then, that that was one of the 10 Unique Skill users? But what is someone like that doing in a Orange Guild, rather than being in the Clearer Groups? Unless of course Unique Skills does not necessarily equate to leveling ability.
Well, we've only seen two unique skills and one of them was a GM skill so it's hard to say if there's a pattern. Kayama seemed to want to fight them as his own "final boss" though, since he told us what he imagined the role of the Dual Blades user to be. So they should probably be high enough level to participate.

On the other hand, Kirito was supposedly given Dual Blades because he had the best reflexes of anyone in the game. Assuming that it's actually true that he has the best reflexes, it was probably measured by the NervGear somehow rather than Kayama choosing someone he'd like to have it. In which case some skills might have been given to someone who never even stepped outside the first town, depending on what other "Outside System Stats" they are based on.
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