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Old 2012-10-17, 15:22   Link #1557
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 40
Originally Posted by ViolentLove View Post
They're brainwashed to be ignorant. It's pure societal conditioning.

An ignorant population is easy to control.

Of course, it's just as easy to blame others for their ignorance, which is stupid. Ignorant people don't know they're ignorant, so how can you blame ignorant people for being ignorant that they're ignorant?

It takes being pointed out that they're ignorant that they can even have a chance of breaking out and seeing things from another perspective. It's not a choice. They're blindly stuck.
He and much of the others discontent with the political discourse are not angry at people that are ignorant. They are making the case that in one instance: 1) North Koreans have no choice, they don't have access to libraries and the internet, but 2) In the U.S., you have widespread access to so much information on the internet, that a multi-trillion dollar industry has sprung up just to sort it.

The case has been made that those who are ignorant now are choosing to stay that way. As in, they're choosing to be close-minded, vs. actually educating themselves and participating in the process.
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