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Old 2006-10-12, 23:06   Link #9
Join Date: Sep 2006
The problem with most as in Love Hina and Girls Bravo! the main guy is a total panzy ass, douche. I mean he is so fucking retarted that his kindness and general-goodness is still not enough to out-weigh his plain retardness. I am all for the guy who isn't considered cool or just considered the O.K guy in class to come-out as the cool guy the girls are interested in, but in almost all the shows he is such a panzy-ass that it makes it a bit gay. There is also his very perverted friend who either makes or breaks the show.

See the guy in Shuffle was a perfect example of what the main "weak" character should be like. He is not a total panzy, but he is still very indecise with the girls he likes.
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