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Old 2009-11-04, 00:31   Link #1
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Join Date: Dec 2005
One Piece - Chapter 563 (manga)

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Okay, it took a while, but the spoiler's finally out! A single pic and a summary are out so far. Here's what's revealed:

-Chapter title is "One person, one heart". Marco is about to attack Squado for his attack on Whitebeard, but the NW captain explains the reason for his betrayal: During the war, Akainu contacted him to tell him about a negotiation Sengoku made with Whitebeard. In exchange for sparing the lives of Ace and his entire crew, Whitebeard would hand over all 43 of his NW allies to the marines. It's then revealed that Squado's crew was wiped out by Gold Roger in the past, and is the reason why the marines convinced Squado to work with them (as well as why they announced Ace's true identity to the world). In fact, the Pacifista army was specifically targeting the NW allies. However, in reality, what Akainu told Squado was in fact a clever ploy devised by Sengoku.......

-Whitebeard figured out Sengoku's plan, and says that all of his allies are his sons. Marco noticed that his father is well past his prime, after seeing how he took Squado's attack. Whitebeard himself confirms this by saying that no one can be the strongest forever, since everyone has a heart. Nonetheless, he is angered by the marines' dirty tactics, and Sengoku is prepared to fight against him once more.....

....Well, damn. If this is all true, well... holy crap. This would instantly explain what Sengoku meant a couple chapters back about a tragedy occurring on the battlefield. The marines truly are a dirty bunch to create discord amongst the pirates like that. No wonder Sengoku wanted to cut the TV broadcast..... the public definitely wouldn't approve of such a vile tactic. Still, it certainly was effective. I'm more sure than ever that ol' Newgate will bite the dust now, but at least it looks like he plans to go out with a bang.....

Boy, sure can't wait for the full chapter now!
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