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Old 2010-04-10, 01:34   Link #811
User of the "Fast Draw"
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Originally Posted by DeX-kun View Post
That is most likely the case but I also believe that she just wants to simply ask "why?" Why does something so unreasonable have to happen to her younger siblings? Why, when they did nothing wrong. She can't change the fact that they're already dead so she just wants to fight with "God." Redemption is a good way of putting it.

I'm glad that we got some good character development for Yuri this episode because I feel like her reasons for rebelling are justified in a way, I can sympathize with her. Since she said that her death wasn't caused by suicide, I'm now curious to know how she actually died. I'm sure this will be a focal point later on but I must say that this was a pretty entertaining episode although, the comedy/gags feel kind of out of place.

There's a possibility that pacing is the reason for this but I hope that the 3rd episode does a better job at balancing between comedy and drama.
I agree that this episode gave her some good development. Having gone through that I can understand why she is doing this. The motivations have to be mixed here. Part is probably seeking redemption for her failure, partly anger at 'God' for allowing that to happen, and really she probably just wants to fight back against something. Back then she couldn't do anything and being dead she can never do anything about those criminals. At least there in that situation she can take action and fight back. Life can be unfair and cruel, but that doesn't mean you aren't left simply asking why.

In terms of Yuri's death I'm still uncertain. She responded pretty strongly against the implication, but that doesn't mean she didn't kill herself. Plus it's a weird statement to say no one there killed themselves. If true that's a strange thing that makes you wonder. Still her death will probably be answered eventually.

The second episode was weird. You have that horrible past and comical deaths. I mean really it was hilarious to see Noda get owned by that trap. He's been a jerk so far so seeing him die numerous times isn't bad. Like the answers about where their supplies come from and it makes sense why the traps are like that. I mean the Resident Evil laser trap and the classic giant ball rolling down a cavern trick . It's weird, but I think the mixture of comedy and seriousness works.
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