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Old 2012-05-15, 21:22   Link #6
Join Date: Aug 2009
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Fuyuno View Post
I actually hate to make threads like this but I already had this issue quite while ago. At least several years ago when Bleach and Naruto cool to me, I also read lots of good shounen mangas. However things have changed today as some of the shounen manga is losing its "shounen-ness" like rise of pretty boys(bishounen) and some shounen-ai(boys' love) hints. It pretty much like the shounen manga companies start making their products more appealing to female readers and of course their money. As an old-school shounen fan like myself, I felt alienated. The bishies and shounen-ai just don't work with me. Maybe I'm just too old to read the recent shounen titles but I also worry what will happen to shounen genre itself if this trend continues and evolved to whole new level. Will Japanese teenage boys stop reading shounen mangas or at least the sales dropped from the same people?

I also heard a joke from other forums "put some bishies in a non-shoujo mangas and it will print money". I hope someone who made that "joke" was right.
What defines shounen then? I'm sorry I don't understand what you're talking about since you keep using words like "shounen" and "shounen-ness" without clarifying what those words mean exactly.

Also, bishies and shounen-ai? I don't know what you're reading, but there's hardly anything of the sort in the titles I read. If anything, it's just tacked on randomly, but it never becomes important (Toriko x Komatsu anyone? ).
Originally Posted by NK_500 View Post
I think Fuyuno is talking about Kuroshitsuji and something like it. As for Kuroshitsuji, it legitimately got "shounen" genre because it was serialized in a shounen magazine although it also safe to say that most of its readers are females.
I think a better example would be Katekyo Hitman Reborn, seeing as its serialized in Jump. But really, it's probably one of the worst titles they have over there, making it a very poor representative of the whole.
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