Thread: Licensed Hellsing TV series
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Old 2004-02-23, 18:05   Link #45
FUNimation's Gen Fukunaga
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by jehjr1337
This may sound like a noob question, but victoria is a vampire and in some episodes "it seems" that she walks in day light, how is that possible.....
Notice how there's some kind of overcast, or shes in (barely any) shadow.

However it seems the Anime doesn't really care all that much about the daylight/sun vs. vampires rule, I mean, it's never even said they'd get killed by direct sunlight. Even walter (in both sub and dub) only suggests she doesn't go out in sunlight, though that's debatable as sarcasm. ANAYYA W MY STYSYINGEFW>.c...

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