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Old 2012-05-31, 03:51   Link #2184
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
Originally Posted by Eisdrache View Post
There is nothing wrong with most of those champions. Only Eve/Twitch/Karma are fairly weak.
Well, your playing experience differs greatly from mine. I do have reasons over time.

Taric - I have NEVER seen a good one. NEVER! Almost any game I've been with a Taric is a loss because all he does is stun and then die.

Kog'Maw - I know he's good. Simply all the good ones are always on the other team and top lane. I always get stuck with that bad ones that have at least 1/5 kill-to death ratios and ruin the game.

Evelynn - I've versed a couple of good ones but unless you get lucky early and go tanky, it's a drain on the team.

Twtich - Has to be babysat like a boss.

Heimerdinger - Decent lane holder but needs chaperoning to the max. And again, I get stuck with the feeder ones.

Anivia - Decent midder but after 20-25 mins, Anivia is one of my fave gank targets because they fall apart like sawdust.

Corki - Decent ganker but hate their survivability. I.e. They just don't.

Gragas - They barrel spam and run at the first sign of trouble. And they tend to do their ulti AFTER a big battle...

Karma - Nothing good to say.

Katarina - Yes, her ulti can own but only if an enemy team is stupid enough to not go after her. Been stuck with so many feeder Kats that I've had to carry in 45 min + victories in comebacks or 20 min losses that I'm sick of it.

Orianna - I know she's good. But as Kafriel once said, she is virtually the hardest champ. And I still remember the Orianna that fed a Fiora to 33/3/3. Unless they have 3 melee blocking the way, Orianna can easily be picked off.

Ziggs - He is useful...but most people play him greedily. They don't ulti on the team fight but the fleer...Or their aoe slow placement sucks or they don't bother to help in team fights and whinge when their side is losing.

I'm sure that in ranked, most of them are decent. But in normal, I've learnt by now that those guys spell trouble in the hands of randoms and it's not worth wasting half an hour or more of my time when it's a 90%+ lock-in it will be a loss because of that champion.
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