Thread: Cyprus resists?
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Old 2013-03-24, 19:44   Link #54
Franco's Phalanx is next!
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Little England, Europe and Asia
@Mentar: As I wrote before, I don't really disagree with you, save for some subtle influences in your single-sided perspective... bear in mind that I am not saying Cyprus is free of blame, but so is Germany, the IMF and everyone else who created this mess... governments and their sponsors, not stupid people

@VCV: Did East Germany, and the rest of Eastern European Soviet block deserve the money back in the '90s? Did Korea/Japan/Germany deserve the money back in the '50s? According to your logic the answer is also NO. Indeed, they messed up one way or another, but today the world is a much better place than in the '40s, at least partially because they got those undeserved and unpaid loans... There is a reason politics is separated from finance, one should consider long-term goals, while the other nag about numbers, both are useful, but neither should overwhelm the other, like today, at least from my perspective

@sneaker: That graph is also very interesting and everyone wants to ignore for their own reasons... should we include the rest of EU countries (like the UK), and the private sector... dunno, I believe the majority of people would radically reconsider who should be at least more rightfully demonized
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