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Old 2011-11-13, 20:57   Link #63
Sabaku Kyu
The Ironman
Join Date: Sep 2006
Originally Posted by Kafriel View Post
Anyways, to remain on-topic, what do you guys think happened to Rukia? I'm kinda expecting her to be taken over by Riruka or otherwise "stored" in some manner.
Yeah, probably. Her main two powers seem to be changing the size of things and transporting bodies to other objects so either she shrunk down to microscopic size and hid or she transported herself in Rukia's body.

Originally Posted by Lord of Pandemonium View Post
not quite...he doesn't create an alternate past. He overwrites the people in your past. Once he's in your memories, he can pick and choose whom he wants to replace.
With Orihime he replaced Ichigo and Sora
He doesn't change anything--he merely inserts himself in it
Right, except it's broader than that. Yeah, Tsukishima's ability allows him to replace other people with himself in memories, but he's not limited to replacing memories. He can use his abilities on inanimate objects too, which don't have conscious memories to replace. He was able to set the trap for Bya not by replacing a memory, but by making it so he actually did visit the place they were fighting in the past (well, "a" past is probably more accurate here)

When Tsukishima inserts himself in the past, he basically creates a separate past, one that's only "real" for himself and whatever he cuts--everything else remains unaffected. When he cut Bya, he created a past where he and Bya trained together, but the original past still exists, which is why Bya can still remember training alone.

But now that Tsukishima's defeated, everything probably goes back to normal like Ginjou said. Probably.

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