Thread: Licensed Negima Manga Discussion
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Old 2012-04-08, 16:53   Link #8426
Adeptus Animus
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Originally Posted by deathevn View Post
1)the firts blow to the universe setting is during MW arc when they reveal that that world are and the people are ilusions and cant get out of that world, to the real world that mess up the school trip arck, and has impact the setting of setsuna, kotaro, chamo, kami tsukuna, they all existed just fine and there was no thing that make seen other wise, remember the shimenryu hunted youkais thousand years ago when japon was isolated form the world, the author make distintions between dragons, youkai and others and hint the existence of shinto gods an other god but other than the mentioned before every dragon, yokai or other is a creation of the lifemaker and later is say that whithout a artificial body they cant exist outside, and remember setsuna tribe live in the human world and if someone see his winged or are discovered they have to leave, so akamatsu make a decision there were created or no they can exist or no. i think he didnt think this trouthg. this shitt a great plot of the manga
The magic world inhabitants =/= all mythical creatures. Just a large amount of the people in the magic world.
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