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Old 2012-05-27, 17:27   Link #126
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Join Date: Dec 2007
There was definitely a "nice guy is friendzoned by cute girl who chooses charming asshole over him" love triangle quality to Kariya/Aoi/Tokiomi, but that so-called summary is so damn biased against Kariya that it might as well have been written by Zouken.
Heh, you missed the point of the Nice Guy Syndrome analogy completely (although that definately sums up Kariya's view of the whole relationship!). Internet Nice Guy Syndrome (see here and here) is about self-proclaimed "Nice Guys" who are in fact in fact anything but when dealing with women.

Kariya's intentions towards Sakura are noble and pure throughout the entire Grail War, but his behavior towards Aoi is seriously messed up. He desperately wants to believe that he's her white knight savior sacrificing his body for her sake, when in fact if he ever bothered to actually listen to what she has to say he'd realize that he's completely trampling over her actual feelings (as opposed to what he imagines them to be); for Aoi, the concept of a deathmatch between him and Tokiomi to be a horrifying no-win situation.

As the war drags on further and further and Kariya's sanity drops further and further, he increasingly projects his wishes onto a distorted fantasy version of Aoi that he develops in his mind. Ultimately, his inability to recognize the vision of Aoi in his head with the real thing is what causes him to snap and start strangling her.

The LN version of the event, spoiler tagged for length:


Of course this is all ultimately Zouken's fault in the end; as messed up as Kariya's behavior got, he can legitimately plead worm-induced insanity for everything he did. The only thing you can really fault Kariya for is actually agreeing to a deal with Fate's resident devil to essentially become the latter's puppet, subjecting himself to endless misery and torment for ultimately no benefit.
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