Thread: The Internet
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Old 2009-07-29, 22:07   Link #4
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
i think the biggest thing is going to be "pervasiveness" in the near future. No one will any longer say "I'm going onto the Net" ... every communication device will in some way be net-enabled and many other appliances. People will often be unaware they're 'using the Internet'.

The biggest *obstacles* to pervasiveness are the broken business models both "the tubes" (telcos) and major content providers (studios, etc) keep trying to hogtie the system with. The idea that any connection goes two ways (create and consume content) scares the hell out of the 'entertainment gatekeepers'. The telcos are thrashing about as they sidestep best practices in a balkanized mess of short-vision business decisions. The US, in particular, is in danger of its corporate-ocracy driving the country into a permanent 'last place' while the rest of the techno-nations lunge into the 21st century. Looking at the ass-backward cost packaging of the communication options of my cellphone, for example, compels me to leave most of the features off that I might otherwise use.

((I define any business that isn't customer-centered as 'broken, which means most large corporations fail ))

Sidenote: I'm watching Charlie Rose interview our new Homeland Security chief..... okay, *I'm* almost 52 and *I* cringe when I hear people say "cyber-this" and "cyber-that". I've concluded that most people who use the term "cyber-" are hopelessly behind the curve. "Tubes", ya know.

Last edited by Vexx; 2009-07-29 at 23:05.
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