Thread: Dark Souls III
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Old 2016-08-28, 01:39   Link #423
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2011
The DLCs were what made me stop playing DS2 and start up DS3 (was playing them in order from about a month or two ago). I was playing a sorcerer, so all of a sudden hitting areas where EVERYTHING had massive magic resistance was not fun, to say the least. I was surviving through having built the stats to use the dragonrider twinblade as my melee weapon (which slaughtered most normal enemies in a full combo), but as 90% of my levels were in mage I was squishy as all hell. The Aged Smelter Demon was the last straw for that, as nothing I had hit for >70 damage. I wasn't killing that thing, even with phantoms.

A bit late to the party, but the difference between DS1/3 and DS2 is actually really pronounced in how the core gameplay feels, having played them consecutively (in order) without a break between. DS2 is a lot floatier, and tends to have less windup from enemies. In contrast, DS3 has the actual swings be about as fast (ie, a fair bit faster than DS1), but with much more windup. And the hitboxes/dodging in DS2 really do feel off compared to the other games.

40 hours of DS2 and I still never really felt comfortable rolling in that game (this was after doing DS1 full sword+board, so I had to get good at rolling there), always felt as if you had to roll really early or really late, though I kinda avoided it by being a mage. DS3 feels exactly the same as DS1 in terms of dodging, I pretty much instantly had the timing of rolls down due to DS1. Only took a few minutes of DS3 before I decided I wasn't going back to DS2 to finish the DLC/the last few areas of the main game, the core combat felt that much more solid. Then Gundyr made 100% sure I wasn't (DS3 has pretty much nailed good boss fights finally).
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