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Old 2013-03-12, 01:54   Link #10488
Shadow RockLee
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2013
Help Finding Two Anime Title Names

Anime 1?
I have been searching for this anime where some group of a higher social class live in the sky, a city shrouded in clouds; I think it is call Heaven. Certain warriors have magical or blessed weapons. The main character is boy from down here. He comes to posses a seemingly weak weapon, I think it looks like an 12 inch long poll. He is taught morality and weapon use by one of the legends (said to be the strongest, having the strongest weapon). His master/mentor is, I believe, is blonde. His weapon is a whip. As the story grow, we see more of the whip's ability. At the end, the whip has hundreds on whips coming from this one weapon.

Anime 2?
This anime has a girl, she may be a red head. She travels with an stoic male companion. The companion is a berserker, one with a demon of war or death, something of the like, trapped inside them. Hurting her brings out the berserker side and she along can calm the berserker within. She does this without magic just speaking to him to calm him. His berserker power are increased strength, weapon mastery, and maybe damage reduction. I believe they are not the main character but are enlisted to fight some evil force.

I know this is not a lot to go on, but does any one know the name of these anime series.
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