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Old 2008-07-22, 13:32   Link #248
I want to @#$% with--
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: New York City
Age: 40
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I also found Soujirou's memories to be the most tearjerking things from the episode. Usually those left behind are the things that are saddest about a person's death. It was nice to see a little of Kanata. I kind of wish that we could have learned a little more of her personality, but I understand that time is short. Was her appearance as a ghost also a part of the 4koma, or did the anime add that in?

On the subject of Konata, I acutally kind of liked how her mother's death didn't really affect her. Much more commonly seen are characters who angst (publically or privately) about the deaths of their parents. It's true that we're unlikely to find someone who will be that emotionally detatched from such a thing, but most stories don't stop to consider that maybe a kid doesn't miss her mom because she never knew her. Maybe she doesn't always wish she had one because she's happy with how her dad raised her. It was a change of pace for me, and it kept Lucky Star from being too dramatic. Konata, like the viewer, was just there to listen. She was also there to be healthy and happy and make Kanata happy.

I happen to like Konata's character very much, so I can be forgiving of her shallow character aspects. I didn't really come into this show looking for depth. :P

One of my favorite parts was remembering Konata's birth, with her mother going "Well as long as she doesn't get my height or your personality..."
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