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Old 2009-10-27, 00:09   Link #742
Join Date: May 2009
Well, Aqua's motive is very simple. I is just one word "Justice".
Like his magician name "He Who Changes the Meaning of those Tears" (Flere210) suggested, he is there to erase the origin of the painful tears shed by the weak. He is there to purge the unresonable violence and esytruction caused by the evil and change thew tears shed into tears of joy.

As for Fianma, he just want to complete his Holy Right very very much. So he is collecting other angelic powers he knows about. He want Touma's hand which he believe is the Holy Stone, and now he wants Sasha who once is the vessel of Gabriel. He also had some expectation on Katina=Original as well, being a sword posses the power of Michael, but it is proven not enough to contain Fianma's power.

And no, nobody else has the same ability as Touma. Fianma just think Touma's hand is one of those angelic powers he need.
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