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Old 2006-10-25, 13:04   Link #6
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
Minor crosspost of my comments over at Random Curiosity...

I can’t say I’m fond of the little “balloon aminals” (at least the way they are drawn and I include the ferret in that) … but the camera angles and art are still pretty good otherwise. I must admit the episode appealed to the darkside of my brain with Nodoka and that plant attack (oy vey the tentacles ) … for the plot itself, I must stew a bit before I decide what I think of it. There’s still a lot of episodes to go but I’m going to be disappointed if we don’t get *something* with the firepower pizzazz equivalent to the Kyoto arc or the Festival tourney.

Its very entertaining but I think we’re starting to see the importance of that “?” at the end of the title. If you read Tsukuyomi Moon Phase the manga and compare it to the anime — you’ll find they are both very good… but quite different in some ways as well. Shinbo is some kind of perverse subversive
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