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Old 2012-08-07, 22:25   Link #10
Join Date: Aug 2004
Age: 37
Originally Posted by larethian View Post
Sorry I've forgotten most of the details, but which part was that?
Cardinal. Most notable in Calibur SS where it researches Norse mythology on its own and writes a quest that will end the world if failed.

In general though, it's always been their excuse for why the game is so free of bugs despite never being tested past floor 9. And how there can be so many quests, since the game is ridiculously huge.

Originally Posted by Znail View Post
Not quite true. The brain is actually very good at correcting errors to the senses. You can try wearing trick glasses that turns the world upside down if you like, it only takes a while before the brain has learned to compensate for the upside down view and you can act as normal while wearing them. It's actually equally disorienting to take them off again.

In the same way so would the brain adapt itself to any minor faults in a VR rig and get more used to those senses as time goes by.
The glasses are different, because it's just altering the perception in a uniform manner. With VR, they're generating the entire world from scratch. This isn't just a matter of one big change to everything, it's everything being slightly off in idiosyncratic ways. If your goal is to "present a consistent world to the player" that doesn't work too well if half of their experience is their brain making stuff up that doesn't exist in the game.
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