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Old 2012-10-07, 03:49   Link #303
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Ok...I really think Bake Nezumi are all that's left of normal humanity. Some degenerated remnant either caused through psychic powers or whatever fallout from the strife in the past against power users

The way they cower before those with powers is the same as the crowds did before that bastard "emperor" at the start.

Coupled with how no normal humans apparently exist and the massacres at present day (1000 years ago at least) and how the Bake Nezumi seem to function more as GULAG labour gangs and you can see the case for that.

The school is more likely for the necessary act of training their powers so they don't destroy the tyrants in charge and the existing order that's all...I don't think it's something imposed on them by normal humans.

In's one effed up tyranny it seems...the natural progression from madmen emperors to madmen secret cabal.
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