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Old 2011-08-09, 17:42   Link #33
MR Claytard
Join Date: Jun 2007
I like it when S;G kicks it up a notch and creates these darker feel episodes.

But I can't believe that somebody's turning this into a gender abuse issue.

Unless you like raising non-issues for fun, I realize that this may be a personal for you. However, let's not over analyze this and twist this episode into something that it isn't.

I don't applaud Okarin for punching the daylights out of a "female". I applaud Okarin for punching the daylights out of "Moeka". If anything, it's about giving him props for breaking all the rules (society's chivalrous attitude) to fulfill his mission. In addition, this was personal regardless of Moeka's gender.

Unless somebody might forget, Moeka, Rounders, Sern, Whatever-ever-their-faces are terrorist enemies that have been spying on Okarin's crew. They won't hesitate to kill either.

Consider this a much warranted pre-emptive strike that'll lead to saving Mayuri and (ironically at the moment) Moeka in the process.

Episode's a 10/10 from me.
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