Thread: Dating
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Old 2010-02-24, 08:54   Link #3449
Emotionless White Face
Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
Not entirely understand what you're trying to get at. I want a woman who I can last 40+ years with. Over the course of time, physical attraction and romantic feelings will fade. The only thing that will endure is if the two are extremely good friends who can communicate.

My own parents are still married after 40+ years, as are the other parents they hang out with. It's given me a very good idea of what a real relationship takes. The women I've dated or gone out with, haven't had that.
Not true for all, at leats about romantic/love feelings (yes because I doubt people who are 100yo for example have sex often)

It's not a critic towards your parents at all, but it's not always like how it is for them. But as long as they are happy, whatever how the achieve said happiness, I guess everything's alright

Anyway, I remember a program about the very old people in France (because there are more and more veryu old people), and they showed a couple like that. Still being in love and holding hands while being sooooo old That was romantic.

"I can't believe you wore those shoes just to impress me! They aren't bad, but I would have gone for something with a little less heel, if you wanted to get my attention."
(High) Heels are not good for the bloodstream in the lower part of a girl's body, and it's uncomfortable (yes I know no one cares )

"Are you sure you want a slice of my incredibly fattening pizza? You'll have to do a lot of running later to work it off."
Dangerous sentence because you can't know what a girl thinks. You can even find thin girls still concerned about their weight. Therefore, you take the risk that the girl will get annoyed by it, even said as a joke.

"Well, if you're getting a slice of pizza, what do I get? There needs to be a valid exchange for this transaction to take place. One slice equals one kiss. Or at least your number and E-mail address, your choice."
Not a good sentence if the girl dislike those who act nicely while in fact expecting something in return, even said as a joke.

Essentially, you have to broadcast that you're not intimidated by them. On a basic level, women want a strong and confident man, and by saying things like this, you show them that you are one. They like a man that knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go for it.
There is confidence and over confidence. TBH, there are girls who would prefer a more shy boy than taking the risk to date an overconfident jerk (yes that kind of girls exist at least here). Just saying.

As a side note, this is why the average woman goes for the "bad boy" and continues to fawn over him, long after he's done lots of stupid, deadbeat things. Why does she continue to care about the lowlife who doesn't hold down much of a job, if any, and is obviously a detriment to society in general? Because he can exude this attitude.

That would be my only reply as a woman towards what those women do

Last edited by Narona; 2010-02-24 at 15:18.
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