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Old 2012-10-27, 14:00   Link #12
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
What is "interesting" is that pretty much lika SAO, interface are again in-game physical, which doesn't make much sense, programmation wise... Well, at least the code sequence was "crypted" for Asuna, but I suspect she can visually have an idea what was the passcode... that's quite a flimsy way in using security, whereas brains are literally jacked in the game, so brain waves would be a much more secure method (hell, even personal interface instead of in-game one).
Personally, I attribute this particular case mostly to a design blind spot. Programmers working to build a VR structure thinking in terms of mirroring real world structure and design, rather than taking full advantage of the additional opportunities allowed by VR.

The rest being the need for security, in that when you're holding someone against their will, you really don't want access to the location to be controlled through the normal menu interface. If it was, you'd be basically one configuration mistake or hack away from someone using an Amusphere to have "Titiania's Cage" on a list of locations they can teleport to, trying it out, and bam, Asuna's got someone they can't harm that she can send a message to the real world using.
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