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Old 2012-09-14, 14:45   Link #551
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Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor View Post
I always like the Tsuiokuhen OVA. I think it tells the story better than the manga itself by not pointing too much on the fights and concentrate more on character interaction/building. For example, in the manga, Kenshin’s fights to save Tomoe feels much like “levelling” in a game until he reached the “final boss”, where in the OVA they feel more like genuine fights without all the gimmicks and shounen-ish nature. It’s far more dramatic. Even with all that, I think all the characters are still true to the manga.

I can understand the “disconnected” feeling to the TV series though, since we got a whole new characters and Kenshin here is a different person from someone we knew from the series.
Totally agreed! Tsuiokuhen was beautifully done. Yes it was a disconnect from the manga and anime and even Watsuki disliked it, but the way the characters where portrayed made Tomoe's "betrayal" so much harder in the end. Kenshin's depiction as utterly devastated and lost when he learns about Tomoe's past and betrayal was wonderful. You can really feel that he had no idea what he was doing other then moving forward. In the manga he didn't seem all that upset about learning that the woman he loves has pretty much backstabbed him... or did he even know that she was working for the enemy?
There was never a great talent without a bit of insanity.

I don't think I've ever seen so much nonsense in so little space. -FalsePrime

Stone Age man attempted to draw movement on cave walls by drawing mammoths with multiple legs. The artists worked until their eyes went bad, they got no pay, no credit, and they were eventually eaten by wild animals. Animation was born! - Tom Sito

And as the Black Beast lurched forward, escape for Arthur and his knights seemed hopeless, when suddenly, the animator suffered a fatal heart attack! The cartoon peril was no more. The quest for the Holy Grail could continue. - Monty Python and the Holy Grail
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