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Old 2008-02-05, 09:59   Link #293
Join Date: Aug 2004
Age: 37
Originally Posted by Mr Hat and Clogs View Post
We don't use DKP anymore, our system is kinda unique I think. We let the members decide, no rolls. Each class (leader) puts forward one person (makes it easy for single class items!), then those people compare and decide who gets the best upgrade, in class discussions are pretty quickly down if not already done prior to the raid, in raid can take a little bit of time but nothing excessive. Officers have last say, so we act more like magistrates if people cant make a decision. Its a bit slower then DKP, some high priority items take a little discussion. We have not had any major outbursts with it yet, and have been using it since BC came out. Have a good spread of items across people to. Whole process usually takes about 6-7 minutes tops per boss, has only blown out beyond 10 a couple times in the whole year we have used the system.
That's called loot council, except you put all the burden on the class leaders and let open discussion happen. It's my favorite way of doing it, the person who needs it most gets it most. I'd rather my guild not be composed of a bunch of backstabbers who only show up for loot points. Cooperation, not competition.
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