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Old 2010-12-28, 03:05   Link #1255
#1 Akashiya Moka Fan
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Where magic is real
Age: 35
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At the risk of sounding like a hypocrite, and getting flamed to all hell...

Just to address the big issue of many users here going "why would people like this anime if its so full of crap", keep in mind something very important: different people watch anime for very different reasons. Ever hear the saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure"? The infamous Big 3... keep in mind their target audience. It ain't for what I suspect many of the users here are, i.e. in their late teens, if not adults. Those shows are aimed at 13-14 year olds... take a moment to try to remember what you were like at that age. Probably liked tons of fights, mindless or not. As for other shows... well, K-On and similar shows are aimed at what I've seen dubbed as "moe-takus", something I presume many posters here are not (myself included... in fact, I'm watching those shows just to say I've watched them). As for the other shows that fit into neither category... well, as I said, what you might dislike about the show is the exact same reason other people love it. Why? Because people are people (take that however you want)

That being said... my extreme dislikes that seem very popular (or at least, at the time were very popular) are as follows:
TTGL: Let me first declare that I'm into the action and fighting with insane power-ups class of shounen (there is an exception to this, which I'll get to). Therefore, with all the fights and whatnot that it had, it was awesome to me. However, I'm also a complete sap/hopeless romantic. And for those who know the show, what they did to all the Love Interests by the end of the series... it became a case of "never again"

Code Geass: It was many pages ago, but someone declared that those who hate CG hate it because a character died. So sue me, one of my favorites did die (and she was a lesser character too...), and that's where my romantic sap side kicks in. But that's only half the reason. The other big part was how many plot holes there were by the end of R2. Seriously, a guy surviving a huge energy blast, with only being blind as a consequence? And that's just one of the many holes...

Naruto: At the risk of sounding like everyone else around here... I actually liked the series, up till right around the waterfall fight. Now, I'm very much behind on the series for obvious reasons, so feel free to correct me on any of my following points. First off, the series is called Naruto. So not only does Naruto get beat at said above fight, Sasuke goes more and more emo. To add to that, he gains so many ridiculous power-ups that he might as well be God. Wait, Naruto gets tons of power-ups too? But it seems Sasuke is still God. (this is the exception to what I said with the shounen stuff). Oh wait, here's the kicker: not only is emo bastard with all of God's powers able to kick your ass every single damned time, you still want to try and be friends with him and bring him back to your side when he clearly has no intentions of ever going back? (again, feel free to correct me on anything I'm highly uninformed about)
Gifted...or Cursed?

R+V fanfic- Chapter 4 of A Water Bride and a Vampire is now up at!

All fans of Inner or Outer Moka, come join her fanclub!
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