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Old 2010-05-18, 14:48   Link #23458
Spinning Lotus
Join Date: Jul 2008
Originally Posted by Nogitsune View Post
Lelouch's pitiful physical abilities are also a comic relief, that doesn't mean they don't exist. And Kallen just threatening Lelouch when he knew about her being a terrorist? I really don't think so. The moment she removed the knife and let him go, he'd have been free to tell on her, and any average Britannian would have done exactly that, especially after being threatened. She seemed even more determined to kill him as it was the case with Shirley, and saying she didn't really plan to dispose of either of them feels like grasping for straws to me. There's absolutely no indication that she wasn't serious.
Lelouch couldn't see the knife, so she was covered in that respect. So was Shirley, and if Kallen had decided to kill her she'd probably have been quick about it. She's presumably smart enough to hide her involvement in a murder if necessary. Suzaku's the only one she'd have been caught on.

Originally Posted by Kittenlady View Post
Without a way to actually make a significant difference, yes, backing down would have probably been a better option. They wouldn't be killing innocent civilians (and as Nogistune said a page ago, what were they doing targeting civilians in the first place? Get to the heart of the problem), and Britannia would - probably - be less hostile towards them. The only real reason they kept on fighting was pride, unless they were retarded and didn't realise how much of a superpower Britannia really was. They were literally insects as far as Britannia was concerned, and didn't get anywhere till someone with an ounce of talent and magic mind control powers took over.
Do nothing and nothing changes. Do something and you have a chance. People will more often than not take the risk, especially in cases of occupation. Doing nothing is surrender, it's endorsing the behavior of your conquerors.
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