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Old 2012-12-16, 10:09   Link #184
Kana Hanazawa ♥
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: France
Age: 37
First time ever I've rated an episode 1, but this one deserves it. Sugou went from a mustache twirling villain to a caricature. I have rarely seen such exaggerated evil behavior. It was so over the top and unbelievable it was hilarious. It was so hysterical I felt none of Kirito's despair as a result. I actually wanted it to go on instead because it was comedy gold.

Kirito slowly cutting Sugou into little pieces was just as comical. They tried so hard to make it cool and satisfying it was plain ridiculous. It made Kirito even more irritating than he already was. For a moment it even made me wish Sugou had gotten the last laugh. That's how bad it was.

Asuna and Kirito finally reunited, and I remembered how artificial and grating their romance is. Should've chosen Sugu, pal.

I can't say I'm surprised this ended up being so terrible. This episode was nothing more than the pinnacle of this wreck of an arc. SAO was actually decent, but this... it was almost insulting.
Rize and Kaneki
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