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Old 2007-02-03, 10:14   Link #133
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Majek View Post
No this is exactly like many accidents that happen in childhood. It's the same as if you've pushed someone off somewhere or nito something just because of a moment of anger. Epsecillay if you couldn't prove your point. Expect kids usualy don't witness a fileds of sluaghtered people and then learn that their father could well be reposible for much more scenes like that if he continued with his plan.
Well, Suzaku said "I had no choice!".

Does that sound like an accident to you? He decided to kill his father, childish mentality or not. Suzaku himself certainly doesn't consider it an accident.

Oh, and if being responsible for a field of slaughtered people is worth a knifing in Suzaku's mind, why the hell is he working for Cornelia?

There is no justification for what Suzaku did, as it was a childish act performed with no idea of consequences or effect. But what made it despicable is how Suzaku still attempt to justify it anyway in the present day rather than admitting "Yeah, I messed up and killed my father for nothing."

He did what he once did as an uninformed child; this I could forgive.
But Suzaku is now old enough to join the army. He is now old enough to take lives of his own. For this older Suzaku to still trying to convince himself that his past immature actions to be rightous is just not good enough.
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