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Old 2006-08-01, 15:59   Link #48
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Originally Posted by aliensporebomb
Masterful thesis - I think along much the same lines. But I've seen this
show needs triggers for things to happen.

For instance:

It appears that these triggers cause specific individuals to act in a way
contrary to their usual nature.

I think we're actually going to get an idea that there's someone behind
all this who has a very specific purpose and reason for what they're doing.

I've had some ideas about who and why but it's not gelling quite yet.

But many of these events serve as big distractions from something else
I'm feeling.
Garten from the memento blog actually gave plausible theories on what you're discussing:
1. Someone is putting a sense of distrust among certain villagers of Hinamizawa to be conflicting with others.
2. The single murders happening at each year are steps, or more properly fuses, engineered to spark a chain reaction that culminates in a grand murder.
3. Seems that this grand murder culminates with Rika's death in the year 1983.

However, what I disagree on what Garten posted was that he/she proposes that Hinamizawa is connected to another dimension or Rika herself has the ability to see beyond dimensions of the same place and reality, explaining her supernatural talent to foretell future events.
That theory sounds campy and without mentioning farfetch'd. I feel if there's something supernatural working through Rika as its avatar, then its possible for me to assume that Rika can read the variable permutations happening at future timelines.

I also think that the master culprit or culprits is endorsed with a grand array of psychology, sociology, and cultural folklore regarding Hinamizawa to better understand the behavior of a close-ranged community that the village is. In that way the master culprit can predict and calculate taking into thought which people are highly vindictive and which can be influenced to act as the decoy or scapegoat.

Now another question arises:
If there's no doubt whatsoever that the murders are cause of human intervention at 100%, then which murders had the real culprit had a hand on and which others were committed by those people holding grudges?

What I'm now positively certain about is that the murder streak did not happen by chance. The master culprit knew what he/she was doing and preparations were planned and made within an established time frame of expectancy and anticipation.
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