Thread: Licensed Aria the Origination
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Old 2008-03-31, 23:01   Link #709
I can has drinks?
Join Date: Mar 2006
Episode 13 Final


I had voiced my thoughts on 12 kind of leaving off on a somber tone. I suppose they were saving the full effect of emotion for ARIA in the last episode. That being said, rather than having the feeling of winding down I had from reading the progression of the events in the manga, this actually left more more spirited by the time I finished watching.

The animators and art directors must have said "lets go crazy!" and went the direction most animation studios go - blow the rest of the budget on the last episode.

I finished it with a laugh.
Most anime endings elicit a so-so, not bad, shrug, questioning, or a gesture that it has failed to have satisfied me. In the back of my mind, I sort of had this fear when it came to ARIA. I question why I felt that way in the first place.

Now, bring on the DVD ONLY episode!
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