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Old 2012-10-10, 02:20   Link #961
Join Date: Mar 2006
People always complain no one important dies in Bleach, and when it does actually happen, people complain that it was too easy. He blew everything he had on the guy he thought was the big bad. He had nothing left, and he was facing the actual big bad who was stronger than the guy he just killed. Yeah, getting sliced in half is going to happen.

Be thankful that it wasn't dragged out even further, and that the plot keeps moving. Unless people really want every fight to drag out like it did in the HM arc.

I liked the way that the history of the divisions was sprinkled into the story. I wish this kind of stuff had happened more throughout Bleach. I also liked that there is a genuine mention and reason for Zero Squad to appear, since no one is left to stand against the Quincy except Ichigo (for now, I expect a few comebacks, like Zaraki).

Anyone else expecting an extremely pissed off Ichigo next chapter?
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