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Old 2013-03-30, 08:59   Link #3079
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
The complexity of a flight spell would have nothing to do with Hayate's power-issues. If those issues impacted flight at all, it would be in making her fly too fast, or else rendering her incapable of flying because of using too much strength in too delicate an arrangement.

No meaningful difference has ever been noted between Knight's Clothing and Barrier Jackets. The same as flight, Hayate's power-issues would either ensure she has stupendously protective armor* or make her incapable of using it at all.

*Granted, it might also be stupendously inefficient. Skill levels determine how bang you can get for your buck; without sufficient skill, Hayate could be throwing lots of power into an extremely basic equation, burning up more energy than necessary. Whereas Yuuno might have mastered the art of barrier jackets, effectively having equal protection despite using less energy.

The same thing may apply to their flight spells.
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