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Old 2012-12-16, 20:22   Link #528
Urzu 7
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New England
Age: 40
Originally Posted by GundamFan0083 View Post
I agree that America is ill.
I don't agree that the gun itelf is the problem, nor ownership.
The problem is the public perception of guns being something other than a tool.
They view it as a status symbol, or a symbol of power/strength, and that is a problem.
I view it as a burden/responsibility that comes with being a US citizen who is bound by the constitution to own arms, train in their use, and be ready if congress calls us into service (via a draft).
Maybe reinstitution of the draft isn't such a bad idea?
Mandatory military service is done in many other countries of the world.
Perhaps that's the problem in the US?
People at this forum were telling of some things that were some really good ideas. Form local militias all around the country. These militias could be great in emergency situations (as a bonus, it could give some citizens skills that they could use if they ever join the military or police force). Of course, they'd be trained in some firearms. Have people who go to get firearms be required to take responsibility and ethics courses, centered around gun owners (themselves) and guns. Also, maybe it'd be a good idea to not only to background checks/check mental health records on people who want to get guns, but also to keep tabs on gun owners. Maybe every year, they have to retake those courses I mentioned, something to that effect.
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