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Old 2006-07-07, 18:53   Link #68
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Originally Posted by Farix
And using the excuse, "well downloaders are on broadband anyways," just strikes of arrogance that really irritates a dialup slave like myself.
Most groups making larger h264 encodes I've seen that have h264 larger than xvid have been opting to use larger res videos, sometimes significantly larger res video (2x the pixil count of the xvid version in at least one case I think), most cases I've seen with identical sized video, the h264 encode is either the same size or smaller than the xvid counterpart.

And given the number of downloads you see on some torrents, it's not hard to imagine that most shows are being consumed by people on broadband. Digisubbing hasn't ever IMO really been dialup friendly, the filesizes vs download times have always seemed to have turned out products more suitable for higher end connections. Since groups are supposedly making these videos with themselves as the primary consumer (I suppose that's highly debatable these days), it's natural to assume that if the whole group is on high speed, they likely aren't going to put a huge consideration into low filesize, whereas a group made up primarily of dialup users will likely put filesize before ultimate quality.
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