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Old 2008-05-01, 16:47   Link #23
Join Date: Oct 2004
Fun episode. I still found the animation kind of lacking in this episode, but the vibrant and detailed architectures in the city made up for it. (The whole city is just eye-candy )

Seeing a nice and playful Sheryl was indeed really sudden and odd. Since the beginning , she has been nothing but a bitch, but then suddenly she gets such a huge radical change with a outgoing and cutesy Sheryl. Also, her happy-go-lucky voice kept on reminding me of Alicia from Aria (Same voice actor?). It seems really out of character at first, but I eventually got used to it. (Happy Sheryl definitely>Cold Bitch Sheryl).

I actually hope that we get another episode that is something similar to this, but I kinda doubt. Considering the fact this marks the beginning of the triangle, this is where all the tension is going to begin. Also, Mr. Mushroom cut(forgot his name) has an alien locked up and you know something bad is going to happen when the military has an alien captured....HELL BREAKS LOOSE! I knew Mr. Mushroom cut was going to be the type of guy who f***s everything up and he almost did in this episode.
omg Ku-chan!
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