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Old 2008-05-22, 19:37   Link #1259
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
1. There is no reason to believe Suzaku has any means to prevent Eleven persecution, because he hasn't stop any persecution of anyone up to this point. Suzku does not have the political skills to convince anyone to do what he say wants, and the Emperor won't help him because the Emperor don't help anyone.
(e.g. Euphie was governor of Area 11, but she was powerless to chose her own favorite painting.)

2. And it is true Suzaku doesn't get his hands dirty with Civilian blood. But he is currently conquering Europe with the intent of turning it into Numbered areas, which means they will become Zones of civilian killing like the rest of them. He knows it, and does it anyway. He doesn't care when OTHER people kill civilians, because it is legal under Britannian law.
Euphia was not Area 11 governor,Cornelia was! Euphie had no real power.
I think right now the most important thing for him is to become KoO,other things can wait.

-Because unlike the country that Suzaku serves with complete faith the USJ never declared war on Japan for all those years. Instead they claimed to uphold justice and oppress those who would use their power to terrorize the weak and defenceless. When a hero declares a country independant it sounds a whole lot more convincing than a representative of a country that slaughtered your people.

-Not true. He could have chosen to become a political figure like Marin Luther king and proceed with his plans that way. Instead he chose to serve a foreign military power without a second thought, a plan that doomed his "I don't want to kill people" speech. We know that Honorary Britanians gain more rights as civilians so why not try being a "peaceful revolutionary"?
1.USJ is Zero's creation, and from what he said he'll gladly accept anyone be it Japanese or Britanian,so in the end it's practically the same but USJ creator(Zero) used pretty words to fool people into thinking that they're ally of justice.I don't like the way he manipulate a whole country into fighting his war against his father!!!
2.It's not a wise choice at all and he'll be kill before he can do anything.
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