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Old 2004-04-28, 17:16   Link #18
I <3 Hina-chan!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Age: 40
Originally Posted by The-Wolf-Of-Mibu
I see what you mean. But i dont think you can compare rock lee's speed to soujiro's. Rock Lee could be seen when he moved. (Only Chouji's fat eyes could keep up )

When soujiro attacked on the other hand, he completely dissapeared, and not even Kenshin could follow his movements. Rocklee could still be seen, its just that the sand couldnt keep up.

Remember that these elite swords man, dont just swing swords. They are the best when it comes to killing you with that sword. So if Battousai attacks at god like speed and nearly vanishes, only the best ninjas would be able to survive.

Yea thats what I was about to say, They could still see rock lee run around and only his actaully attacks(punches kicks ect) were invisible,

I think the RK guys could take them out as long as they got that first hit/kill in,

for some reason I doubt any of the ninjas would be aware of such techniques like as shakuchi(sp?) or ryo no hiramekkie.
Perfect example of this was the sound nin who used sound waves. They never saw it before and didn't know what it was/how to defend against it.

They would be caught completly unaware since it would be a complete new style of attacking that they probly don't expect.

THink about it, you take sanos zanbatou and to them it might look like a regular punch. what if they decide to just block it?

what effect could the zanbatou have on gaaras sand shield? would it just blast it away completly? could it go though the shield and impact gaara who would be thinking "oh its just a punch, nothing to worry about"
bam shield blow apart and punched stright to armor of sand(which was weaker anyway) killing gaara or injury.
of course depending on if sano can do it multiple times over like that (one to break though shield and immideitly doing a second one directly to gaara since hes past the shield),
Sano might not but I am positive the monk could.

of course this is against the genin/ chunin of naruto universe

the only problem would be the upper jounin level ninjas without any egos who wouldn't take any of it for granted. Who might have the eyes to somewhat follow thier movments. (if they think rock is really fast then kenshins godlike speed would be a killer) Especially Kakashi with the Sharnigan.
they might be able to dodge/survive that first strike and relize just what kind of techniques they are up against.

against genins and chunins yes, I think they could hold thier own easly, but against the Jounins..... I dunno, impossible to tell.
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