Thread: Farewell, BT
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Old 2009-10-28, 12:31   Link #61
Featherine B.
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Home of the froggies, aka Furansu
Age: 29
I... usually don't post here very often, but I just had to say something when I learned what had happened to BT-san. I've never really been that knowledgeable about the different members of 07th Expension, therefore I had no idea BT-san, whose name I came across and had vaguely remembered, was Ryukishi's best friend, and although I can't say I can relate to what he might be feeling right now, I can at least understand how horrible the loss of such a dear person might feel like. I myself am teaming up right now with my best friend in order to achieve a big project that is important to us both, involving my growing passion for writing and his talent for drawing. I know he is and will always be the first one I come up to when I finish writing something, so he can tell me what he thinks about it. I wouldn't even be able to, no, I would never want to, imagine what it would be like to lose a person like that.

How much I love Umineko does not even compare to the fact that I will respect whatever decision Ryukishi wishes to make in the near future about the project, be it to put it on hold or to continue it. I also do not know if BT-san's death was sudden or more or less predictable, therefore I don't know if the two of them had the time to discuss it. But what I do know is that the person who helped give birth to such a great franchise, probably does not wish to be the cause of its end.

In the end, I, uh, didn't really plan on writing that much, but I realize now that BT will never be just a name to me anymore.

Reposez en paix, BT-san

Last edited by Featherine B.; 2009-11-12 at 11:21.
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