Thread: What is Gundam?
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Old 2006-08-26, 17:00   Link #77
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by flamingtroll
I used the quantifier "How", to designiate that there exist similarities between them. But that statemetn does not indicate how much similarities are there. As long as there exist similarties that is beyond the trivial, I believe that statement is still considered true.
Normally, when someone says "It's interesting how similar A is to B", they're talking about significant similarities between the two. After all, it's hardly "interesting" to find insignificant associations between things.

Originally Posted by flamingtroll
Also the you might want to define "significant" abit. I generaly don't like this sort of qualifiers beucase they mean different things to different people. Must it be MSG-SEED kind of similarities for 2 shows to be "significantly" similar? If that is the case, then I have nothing to argue with you about. In my dictionary, SEED is pretty much half a clone.
It's not my definition that's really in question. It's how you justify saying "A is similar to B". If you're not even trying to claim that there's any significant (read meaningful) similarities between them, then does it not render your entire argument moot?

Originally Posted by flamingtroll
I am not quite sure how V gundam and Eva, both having the main plot driver being an organization that is bent on creating a new order through mechanisms that will reduce people into an infant state of mind to unite them can have the same level of correlation as say V gundam to Sailormoon.
Your interpretation is incorrect. Seele in Eva was trying to eliminate individuality, while the real leaders of Zanscare were just in it to gain power and to stifle dissent.

My point is that there aren't any real similarities between Sailor Moon and Victory. I'm sure that if I tried hard enough, I could find some convoluted argument to show some, but that's called desperation.

Originally Posted by flamingtroll
I still haven't seen any reason to doubt my assessment of Tomino as "bitter". If you have a problem with my statements, then you should try attacking my arguments, rather than go about it in this roundabout way.
Is just better to point it out in action
Actually, this is a tactic normally just used by people who don't have any real arguments themselves.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won...
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