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Old 2013-02-24, 18:43   Link #22
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Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
To put it bluntly: the way how the baseball match is barely mentioned at all just doesn't give much importance to Kyousuke's suggestion back in Episode 1. Heck, they literally skipped more than half of the baseball practice (which had the most group interaction in the complete story).
I agree. They're not giving enough importance to the baseball match and practice right now. The Raging Meow Ball scene felt really rushed as well. I have a feeling that they'll focus on the baseball match after the routes of the other girls are done.

Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
That's why I felt this episode absolutely badly timed exactly because it was introduced way too lately and since they have shown Sasami only twice without much rivalry interactions with Rin, you could actually have the raging nyan ball without the actual date thing (even if it is a major development point for Rin due to discussion about love).
Basically speaking, Sasami feels way more of a plot device than an actual character (similarly how Kengo is completely inexistent thus far).
They should have shown more of their 'battles' in order to make it feel like a real rivalry. It would have made the scenes of this episode much better.

Originally Posted by Klashikari View Post
If this episode took Komari's route timing placement, things would have been much smoother, which would actually put emphasis on Rin and Riki commitment towards Lenon 'secret of the world messages', interconnecting as well Riki and Rin efforts to help people around them (be it cafeteria incident or the girls routes). This is also even more weird when this episode was a momentum break to kud's route: I mean you have a kud centric episode, then you have a completely different environment, to then be thrown back at Kud within 1 episode. If they intended to spread event so you don't have a "girls of the week" syndrome, they should simply not clutter each girls in this fashion to begin with.
The order of events are completely upside down for some reason, and frankly, it would have make much more sense to have Riki and Rin dealing with mundane school stuff prior the girls routes.
I think they have changed the order of certain events in order to show Rin's character development throughout the routes of the other girls and for that reason decided to animate Rin's tasks between the routes of the other girls. Because of this we are constantly reminded of these mysterious tasks as well. This way they can't be forgotten, which might be the case if you don't bring them up at all during the routes of the other girls.

While I do agree that this episode should have been placed before last episode, I don't really see it as a problem either. The previous episode was about Kud, but I didn't really see it as the start of her personal arc. The episode did focus on Kud's background and her insecurities, but ended up revolving around the friendship of the Little Busters group (everyone studying and going to the remedial class together).
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