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Old 2013-04-05, 20:51   Link #3
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
I just want to post a little comment here that this thread, though totally fine, shouldn't be a redux of the Aku no Hana thread, even though that show is obviously the example that prompted the thread.

As for my (meagre) contribution to the topic... I would say that, generally speaking, anime is fairly-far removed from the uncanny valley issue since it's very highly-stylized. This may be why, in those instances where it does come up, it provokes even more controversy, since it's quite unusual and outside the norm. Anime doesn't usually look anything close to "realistic".

As a quasi-related point, sometimes the use of CG in an otherwise hand-drawn anime can also have a bit of an "uncanny valley" sort of effect, because certain objects have a totally different look (or move at a different framerate) than the objects around them. This can make things stick out in a bad way.

(Edit: As I was writing this, Midonin posted and was thinking the same thing about the 3D/CG thing, so at least I wasn't alone in that coming to mind.)
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