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Old 2010-07-07, 09:29   Link #13245
Back off, I'm a scientist
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Location: In a badly written story.
Originally Posted by Jan-Poo View Post
Opinions? What else would you ask?
Repeat this in red: "Magic allows red text to always be true."
That, if successful, would destroy the universe and wrap the whole thing up nicely.

Seriously though, I would phrase your name exclusivity red differently, to allow the witch to actually say it - maybe, after she would refuse to say your form, as a way to save face. "At no point during, before or after the games, red text was, is, or will be used to refer to one physical individual by multiple different names!" There is, after all, the Other Battler. If the Other Battler exists on the island, with this in red it stops being a problem. If she can't do that either, we can blame Erika for everything.

The next red to ask to repeat would be "At no point during the games, the chronological order of scenes shown was broken, and events appear in the order they have happened in." Refusal to say that would allow weaving the story into a ball of timey-wimey ...stuff.
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(updated 2010-08-24)
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